Implementing a Video Player with RealityKit

David Cordero
3 min readAug 30, 2021


This post was originally published on, where you will always find the most updated, and free of spyware version of all my posts.

I am really looking forward to the eventual release of the rumored Apple Glasses. I think that AR could be the next big revolution that could make redundant some of the technology that we use nowadays.

One of the use cases where I see a potential for AR technology is in the world of video playback Apps.

If you think about it… who needs a huge physical TV if you could cast your content to a virtual tv that you can put wherever you want.

That’s the reason why I decided to check how to create a video player with RealityKit, and I found out that it is quite easy.

RealityKit Video Player

The first we need to do to create a AR Video Player with Reality is to create a standard instance of AVPlayer to play our video asset.

let url = URL(string: "")!
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(url: url)
let player = AVPlayer(playerItem: playerItem)

And then we need to create a ModelEntity with our instance of AVPlayer as VideoMaterial.

let screenMesh = MeshResource.generatePlane(width: 0.7, height: 0.5)
let videoMaterial = VideoMaterial(avPlayer: player)
let modelEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: screenMesh, materials: [videoMaterial])

And that’s all we need to create a RealityKit player, now we only need to place our ModelEntity in the AR world. To do that we need to create a AnchorEntity that defines a location in the AR World.

A simple way to create a AnchorEntity is by using UITapGestureRecognizer, once we have the location of the gesture on the screen, we can translate it to world coordinates using the method raycast of ARView.

private func tapWasReceived(recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
let location = recognizer.location(in: arView)
let results = arView.raycast(from: location, allowing: .estimatedPlane, alignment: .horizontal)

if let firstResult = results.first {
let anchorEntity = AnchorEntity(world: firstResult.worldTransform)
addScreen(anchorEntity: anchorEntity)

Show me the code

In the following code, you can find a ViewController with everything put together.

import UIKit
import RealityKit
import AVFoundation
import ARKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewDidLoad() {

override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
arView.frame = view.bounds

// MARK: - Private

private lazy var arView: ARView = {
let arView = ARView()
return arView

private func setUpView() {

private func setUpTapDectection() {
let tapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(tapWasReceived(recognizer:)))

private func addScreen(anchorEntity: AnchorEntity) {
let url = URL(string: "")!
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(url: url)
let player = AVPlayer(playerItem: playerItem)

let screenMesh = MeshResource.generatePlane(width: 0.7, height: 0.5)
let videoMaterial = VideoMaterial(avPlayer: player)
let modelEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: screenMesh, materials: [videoMaterial])



// MARK: - Action

private func tapWasReceived(recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
let location = recognizer.location(in: arView)
let results = arView.raycast(from: location, allowing: .estimatedPlane, alignment: .horizontal)

if let firstResult = results.first {
let anchorEntity = AnchorEntity(world: firstResult.worldTransform)
addScreen(anchorEntity: anchorEntity)



David Cordero

iOS and tvOS developer at Zattoo. Passionate about coding and lifelong learning.